Monitoring Tasks
Keep an eye on your tasks
Last updated
Keep an eye on your tasks
Last updated
Once automation tasks are configured and running, each wallet will display as a separate tile on the dashboard.
To manage queued and in-progress tasks:
Monitor Status: The tile shows real-time status like "Running", "Failed", "Completed", etc. The task tiles feature a progress status indicating the pending and completed transactions based on the total configured transactions.
Stop: To cancel a task before completion, click Stop. The bot will finish the transactions that were already started, and any uncompleted transactions will not proceed.
Delete: Removes a task completely from the queue. Any uncompleted transactions will not proceed.
Logs: Check the log panel for real-time updates on each transaction and result as tasks run.
Filtering: Use the log filters to search for specific wallet addresses, transaction hashes, errors, etc.
Constantly referencing the task dashboard gives you realtime visibility into your automation progress and earnings potential. Monitor closely to catch any potential issues.