πŸ†˜Safety & Disclaimer

Please Read Carefully!

Personal Data

  • All keys are encrypted and stored on your local device, ensuring maximum security. We do not store or process any kind of personal data.

ETH Wallet Addresses

  • We do not store ETH addresses.

  • We do not process any kind of other information related to ETH addresses.

Private Keys

  • We do not process any kind of information related to private keys.

  • We do not store private keys.

  • Private keys are only used for the tx sign. ⚠️ NOTE:

  • We won't ever ask you for any kind of personal data if not necessary to run the bot

  • We won't ever ask you privately for your private keys

  • Do not share you personal data with anyone

  • Do not share your private key with anyone

  • Always double check with whom you are talking with both in the server and DMs

  • Do not share your seed phrase with anyone

  • Do not click on unidentified links

  • Do not open suspected attachments

  • Always double check links and DMs even if you know the source

  • Always store your seed phrases in a safe place, protected with a password and/or written down physically

  • Always store your passwords in a safe place We are not responsible for:

    • ETH losses

    • Any kind of currency loss

    • Mistyping while setting up

    • Wrong inputs

    • Stolen data due to users negligence

    • Issues with wallets

    • Lost passwords

    • Lost private keys

    • Lost seed phrase

By using this bot you are aware of what you are doing and before using it you must have knowledge of blockchain, how a GUI bot works, blockchain transactions, how to use Metamask, and any other notion related to what this bot is made for. This is an automated tool so be 100% sure of your knowledge before using it, we are not able to verify our user's knowledge.

Last updated